“Life is too short to drink bad wine.”
The second case study is a local festival and competitive event where many teams gather in the village of Bzovík competing for the best goulash soup prepared in natural conditions in a wood heated kettle. Goulash soup is equally popular in Slovakia as it is in Hungary and both countries consider it as their own. In any case, goulash soup differs not only between the two countries but actually between each region, town and even household. The competition is organised yearly and it is accompanied by a number of other activities attractive to tourists. Most important are the traditional market and performances of folk groups presenting traditional Slovak folklore. The tourists can also visit local fortified monastery that is the main tourist attraction in the municipality of Bzovík. The truth is that the event is known mostly regionally as there are numerous events of the same nature all around Slovakia each year. This, however, presents a potential for growth and attraction of tourism from Slovakia and abroad. The event is organised once a year only and is freely accessible to everyone.

The visitors have a chance to taste goulash soup from different participants. They can also taste other offered home made products such as sausages and home brewed spirits. There is usually also a number of exhibitions of folk art with a possibility to purchase different goods. Stages are hosting n various musicians, most of them presenting folklore in the form of songs and dancing. Children can ride horses and partake in various activities. The village also offers year-round access to fortified monastery that is visited by a number of tourists and is one of the symbols of the village and the region.
List of Local Producers
Bzovík is located about 6 kilometres Southeast from the local administrative centre, city of Krupina. The place is situated in the historical Hont region that is nowadays located in the South of Central Slovakia and North of Hungary just a few kilometres from Budapest. Easiest accesws is from the North (Zvolen, Krupina) but as the place lies alongside major road connecting Hungary and Poland via Central Slovakia, it is easily accessible also from South (Budapest).’
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